Why settle for Bill Gates’ fortune?

Often in the midst of financial slowdown we realise where our true confidence ought to be.  We can spend our entire lives accumulating wealth and providing simply for our physical needs, and then realise we cannot take it with us to the world to come. Tutankhamen was an Egyptian Pharaoh who lived about 1300 BC. He… Continue reading Why settle for Bill Gates’ fortune?

Should old-fashioned Quiet Times make a comeback?

When I was a teenager (many, many years ago), I was often told in our youth group how important and essential a regular “Quiet Time” was.  A QT was a time when you were quiet, by yourself and with a Bible.  You read the Bible, you thought about what you read and then you prayed. … Continue reading Should old-fashioned Quiet Times make a comeback?

A word on the Word of Faith movement

One of the characteristics of the Word of Faith Movement is that it emphasizes physical healing. According to them Jesus’ atonement not only secured our spiritual healing, but our physical healing too.  Christians should simply claim God’s promises by faith and the sick will be made well and the ill restored.   Sickness and disease are… Continue reading A word on the Word of Faith movement