The dangerous theology of Spiritual Breakthrough

Many conferences and meetings, under the banner of Christianity, promise spiritual breakthroughs to take your faith to the next level. There are books written about spiritual breakthroughs: “Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough” “Praying the Lord’s Prayer for Spiritual Breakthrough” “Prayer Walking for Spiritual Breakthroughs” “How to be patient while waiting for a Spiritual Breakthrough” You can… Continue reading The dangerous theology of Spiritual Breakthrough

A call to Spiritual Discernment

I was visited recently by a lovely, Christian person who claimed to have received a message from God for me and our church. The message was this, “Your church will enter a time of unprecedented miracles, signs, wonders, blessings and conversions.  However, you shouldn’t limit God.  You need to open yourself to the work of… Continue reading A call to Spiritual Discernment

4 signs you’re an antichrist

Modern spirituality claims that it is possible to know God through a variety of ways: whether it be a spiritual encounter, private conviction or an angelic spirit-guide. God is like buying groceries – it doesn’t really matter which supermarket you shop at, as long as you get bare essentials.  Some people might prefer Spar,  or… Continue reading 4 signs you’re an antichrist